Hi everyone! I am in Korea and loving it! It is beautiful, big, loud, clean and fun. I have a ridiculous amount of work to do, but it has been super awesome. We teach at least a couple lessons a day, an English class 2 times a week, proselyte in a lot of crazy ways every day, and meet plenty of crazy people all of the time! It is quite fun. I will now provide you with a list of the important people that we teach on a regular basis, I will use their English names if they have them.
Totally crazy and completely lovable. She is in her 50s, probably, and loves learning English from us; the gospel she is willing to learn, but she is scared to commit.
Hannah- she is amazing and really learning quick; we just taught her the first lesson, and she seems to be really excited to learn more. I freel that she will progress quickly and will accept the gospel. She is about 22 speaks English really well, she is also just about as cute as they come.
Sophie- she is 20 and wants to be an actress. She is starting to progress; we just started teaching her on Wednesday, and taught her again on Friday. She is really cute.
We have quite a few others that we meet with regularly, but I will have to talk about them later when I have more time. The food here though is AMAZING, I haven't tried anything that I haven't liked, well... except for these tiny dry fish things that make me sad and taste like the ocean. I love Korean food!
My companion is really awesome, we actually went to high school together though we didn't really know each other and she was a grade ahead of me. Her name is Sister Seipel! It is also cool because Elder Greer is in my district and his companion is my district leader. They serve in the same ward as us, so they get to see us quite a bit.
We spend lots of time talking to people on the street, and mostly getting rejected by them, but every once in a while, we will meet someone who really wants to hear our message, and then we get to meet with them again. I know that everyone we meet will at least be affected by what we say and will hopefully decide to accept the gospel in the future.
Being a missionary is awesome! I love it here! I love that the spirit is always present and that I have a purpose in all I do. The only negative is that I have started to feel sick again. Hopefully it will clear up, but if not, we will see where this road takes me. I know that God has a plan for me and that he is with me, wherever I go. I know that as his plan is revealed, I will be able to grow and accept it as it comes.
I love you all!
-Sister Bauer
You definitely hit the ground running, just like I would expect you would have ;-) Hope you are able to get through this sickness OK and everything will be able to continue as planned. I am sure you are doing great! Have a blast.