Sister Corinne Bauer

Sister Corinne Bauer

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:45 AM


My dear and much kind family and friends, much love unto you and all your peeps. I am here at the MTC on Tuesday the 15th of November and life is good. I went to the temple this morning and had an embarrassing experience that I will now share: I was quite tired this morning and have been for many mornings in a row, this caused me to be somewhat sleepy upon entering the endowment session. My sleepiness only seemed to grow as I continued through the meeting, and I may or may not have occassionally drifted off, every 3 or 4 minutes... I thought that I was doing a pretty good job of hiding it though, until I found myself waking up to my companions hand on my arm... oops! Moral of the story: Even missionaries, get tired and do embarrassing things.

This past week has been quite good, although, as I sit here at the computer attempting to compose a half decent work of missionary email literature, I cannot seem to think of a single thing that happenned. Of course things did happen, but I just am not such a rememberer of things. We have been here so long that things are kind of blending together, but it is so good. I had a biscuit and gravy at the temple this morning and it was glorious to behold, and also to injest.

My sisters and elders here at the MTC are quickly becoming some of the best friends I have (don't worry best friends at home, I still love you with an overwhelming love). They are each so amazing and unique that I can hardly breathe for the love I feel for them, really, these people are some of the best I've seen. Someday you all will meet them all (?) and it will be a miraculous day.

As part of our weekly planning, us missionaries do something called companionship inventory, this is something that sisters totally love (or at least I do...) and the elders (again, in my experience) generally hate to death. Basically it is an opportunity to share our love and strenghten our relationship and unity through sharing goals, things we like about one another, and things we need to improve on. It is a really cool experience because we are learning how to lift one another but also to give criticism without being hurtful. In the end we just love each other and that is what is important.

Well, my dearest folks at home, my words are running out. I love you all though and am so proud of each of you! Stay golden :)

Sister Bauer of MTCton

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